Thermo Scientific* PL6500
Lab Refrigerators are for general-purpose applications.
All models feature advanced alarm options to meet the demanding requirements of the laboratory env...
Cryogenic Storage Tank (-196C)
Locator Plus Rack and Box Systems
Thermo Scientific* Locator Plus is a maximum-capacity storage vessel.
Available with or without ultrasonic level monitor, Thermo Scientific Locator Plus indexed rack and box systems allow quick, efficient sample retrieval and offer cost effective maximum storage capacity (up to 6,000 samples) combined with minimum liquid nitrogen consumption.
PL6500 Lab Freezers Thermo Scientific* PL6500 Lab Freezers are for routine laboratory storage. Advanced alarm options meet the demands of today's non-regulated laboratory environme...
Available in a wide range of sizes and styles, including uprights, combination refrigerator/freezers, undercounter and horizontal chest units. Thermostat and compressor component...
HERAfreeze* -86°C Top Upright Freezers Thermo Scientific* HERAfreeze ultra-low temperature freezers offer maximized storage capacity, reduced energy consumption and minimized o...
CryoMed Controlled-Rate Freezers Thermo Scientific* CryoMed Freezers provide the ultimate in controlled-rate freezing flexibility. These units are complete, one-piece freezing syst...